714SM129 IR Wabash H328
Accelerated Genetics
From Irvine Ranch - Manhattan, KS

  • True spread bull that offers +15 for CE yet still excels for WW (Top 10%) and YW (Top 10%).
  • WABASH ranks in the Top 1% for MARB, API and TI!
  • Homo Black sire that offers great calving ease, growth and carcass merit.
  • Contact Your Select Sires Sales Representative for Availability.

EPD 9.11.598.5158.90.387.325.87517.514.945.6-0.211.07-0.0320.88-0.35180.5110.2
Acc 0.510.570.540.530.530.30.240.330.370.480.450.370.430.390.440.05
% Rank 908033545351025202550255203531

Beef on Dairy
714SM129 IR Wabash H328
Accelerated Genetics
From Irvine Ranch - Manhattan, KS

  • True spread bull that offers +15 for CE yet still excels for WW (Top 10%) and YW (Top 10%).
  • WABASH ranks in the Top 1% for MARB, API and TI!
  • Homo Black sire that offers great calving ease, growth and carcass merit.
  • Contact Your Select Sires Sales Representative for Availability.

EPD 1.598.5158.945.60.881.07
Acc 0.570.540.530.450.440.43
% Rank 803325202