- STATESMAN progeny are quickly gaining attention across the county, as he is siring progeny with excellent phenotype, breed-leading growth and adding both maternal and end-product value.
- He is a larger-framed Patriarch son offering a unique EDP profile highlighting WW, YW, RADG, HP, PAP, Marbling and is one of our best for $C.
- He consistently sires cattle with added length, extension and muscle with extra eye appeal, all while adding maternal and carcass value.
- His dam adds diversity to his pedigree. She is a powerful daughter of Homestead with tremendous volume, mass and a beautiful udder.
- He provides mating flexibility for daughters of many popular sires, including 7AN528 GROWTH FUND, 7AN580 HOME TOWN, 14AN502 TAHOE, 7AN691 STEP UP, 7AN642 VERACIOUS, 7AN604 TOP CUT and Stellar females.

From Deer Valley Farm, TN and Knoll Crest Farms Inc., VA