- The top 1% for Marbling is 1.6 and PREEMINENT is a 2.6. Do you want to take your Marbling higher?
- Not only is PREEMINENT high for Marbling, his CW and REA are way above average too and there's no other bull in the database that can match his combination of carcass excellence.
- Deep, medium-sized and well-balanced, this TRANSCENDENT son delivers Calving Ease with growth and tremendous opportunities to push quality and premiums to new heights.

From From: B&B Cattle, TX; Gardiner Angus Ranch, KS; FB Genetics, TX; Quanah and Greta Gardiner, WA; RMS Cattle LLC, KS; Steve Hillhouse, TX; Rocking W Angus, GA; Goode Angus, TX and Richardson Cattle Company, TX