7SM141 M4 Alpha 267K 
Accelerated Genetics
From M4 Simmentals, KS

  • ALPHA ranks in the top 5% or better for WW, YW, MWW and CW. With the price per pound at record highs each additional pound means more profit on payday.
  • Sound structured and built stout, ALPHA hails from a proven cow family that has also produced 714SM114 PREDICTABLE.

EPD 10.30.794.7152.80.363.731.478.614.817.161.9-0.20.65-0.0281.07-0.4153.498.8
Acc 0.450.50.480.480.480.270.230.310.340.460.430.350.430.380.410.03
% Rank 8065441095102501026015705204

Beef on Dairy
7SM141 M4 Alpha 267K 
Accelerated Genetics
From M4 Simmentals, KS

  • ALPHA ranks in the top 5% or better for WW, YW, MWW and CW. With the price per pound at record highs each additional pound means more profit on payday.
  • Sound structured and built stout, ALPHA hails from a proven cow family that has also produced 714SM114 PREDICTABLE.

EPD 0.794.7152.861.91.070.65
Acc 0.50.480.480.430.410.43
% Rank 65442515