9CH103 JMAR Lead Time 1L16
Accelerated Genetics
From J-MAR Genetics, VA

  • A proven calving ease sire known for his vigorous calves that grow into moderate-framed females with fleshing ability and foot quality.
  • He improves teat and udder quality.
  • LEAD TIME's outcross pedigree provides abundant mating options while transmitting breed-leading marbling.

EPD 11.6-4.5461013.331261.8210.580.0280.3256.22
Acc 0.580.740.580.410.
% Rank 45990709515505405590745

Beef on Dairy
9CH103 JMAR Lead Time 1L16
Accelerated Genetics
From J-MAR Genetics, VA

  • A proven calving ease sire known for his vigorous calves that grow into moderate-framed females with fleshing ability and foot quality.
  • He improves teat and udder quality.
  • LEAD TIME's outcross pedigree provides abundant mating options while transmitting breed-leading marbling.

EPD -4.546101210.580.3
Acc 0.740.580.410.230.220.17
% Rank 9907040557